One Earth Awakening

Wednesdays with Johanna
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Author:  Johanna [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wednesdays with Johanna

Only the indwelling Spirit as it speaks to us of the greater life to which we are being called can begin to instill within each one of us that trust which is beyond measure.

Awakening into Being
Teaching the Heart To Sing
Julie ... -Sing.html

Author:  Johanna [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Note To Self = Energetic Sensitivity

Dear Self….

When you are feeling energetically overwhelmed and you can't remember this and that…

And your depleted energetically and can't 'do' what you or others want you to do…


Let Go.

Get quiet.

Be still.





Author:  Johanna [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can you not see it?

Can you not feel it?

There is a new
breath that you breathe and it is infusing you with new life as you release the old…..

A Time of Hope ... TQ5xXMmAZg

Author:  Johanna [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  VISION

I recently had a vision.

In the vision I saw the Tree of Life reaching out to touch the Galactic Center.

Author:  Johanna [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  This has been my recent experience... God in each moment

As the possibilities held within the Light manifesting and surrounding us increases - so too are the gifts of healing.

Light, Love , support and everything you need to heal, to awaken, to transform you reality - will come to you.

All you need do is bring your focus inward, set your sacred intention in prayer to purify that which is not of the light within you and allow everything you need… people, places, event's and things to come to you, "perfectly", in each moment.

For God is in each moment… awaiting you.

Author:  Johanna [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Messages o Light - IN THE DARK THE LIGHT REMAINS

MESSAGES OF LIGHT -In the dark-525x525.jpg
MESSAGES OF LIGHT -In the dark-525x525.jpg [ 32.19 KiB | Viewed 5931 times ]


Author:  Johanna [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:29 pm ]

The Biblical curse of the Tower of Babel continues to lift.

I feel this truth most when I am seeking guidance, information, teachings, shared experiences and comments posted on the internet.

I feel the profundity of 'we' connecting - sharing what we have learned and are learning, 'with' each other.


Author:  Johanna [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:33 pm ]

Only in the sense of having forgotten out true heritage
have we fallen from Grace.

There is no sin in this, other than the sin of leaving the state of complete and total harmony with all that is, which is our natural birthright.

Awakening into Being
Teaching the Heart To Sing
Julie ... -Sing.html

Author:  Johanna [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  INI - Connections to the Root of the Tree of Life

InI Root of Tree of Life.jpeg
InI Root of Tree of Life.jpeg [ 90.06 KiB | Viewed 5932 times ]

Just a reminder….

As I have shared previously on this thread. The phrase InI does not originate from my culture, nor originate in my consciousness or from my personal innovation.

The holy ones amongst the Rastafarians - through prayer and Oneness consciousness with the Blessed Creator brought this WORD forth.


Blessed are they in the Heart of God.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Author:  Johanna [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:51 pm ]

Ultimately all addictions are a chosen method of the embodied soul to remain unconscious until a new way or path is made clear.

Twenty six years ago I SURRENDERED a deep rooted dependency for the effects of alcohol on my consciousness. 10-12-13

Then I experienced an accelerated and advanced level of sufferation leading to surrender, which lead to meeting Beloved Julie. Becoming then a student of the Purification Process, which then lead to a heart centered awakening, which opened the door leading to a conscious awakening that informed my 'self' that indeed, I could 'awaken'. These experiences leading to awe, leading to years of wandering in the intense experiences of purifying karmic lives, memories, visions, severe limitaiton, knowings, serendipitous happenings, torment, suffering, leading to another awakening of deeply held beliefs and consciousness in my body, mind and spirit, leading to multi dimensional experiences of the opening of my consciousness and unfolding remembrance of the truth of who I am.

All held within the heart of God as I was every gently loved and cherished with firmness and unlimited compassion from my Beloved Rabboni.

From there a 12 year period of 'walking alone' through great tribulation, homelessness, experiencing the pain of separation of lifetimes of serving and loving God deeply, yet still feeling very alone embodied.

I share this for any of you dear readers who might have formed any misty or glamourous thoughts of who I may be or what my path of awakening has looked like.

I consider my self to be an ordinary person choosing to take extra ordinary steps in sanctifying my life in God.

So that I may live, embodied, loving God with all my heart, my will and my free will chosen might and serving humanity.

Author:  Johanna [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Teaching of Julie - ADDICTIONS AND SPIRITUALITY

Now, it becomes possible for all addiction to be revealed in its true essence as a spiritual action designed to answer a need that it was believed could not be answered in any other way. With this longing exposed to the light of awakened consciousness, there is hope, today, that what has been a widespread and pervasive problem in both advanced and underdeveloped nations will have the chance of being healed in an equally widespread way at a core level. This new possibility comes out of the increased capacity of the human body and psyche to touch its own spiritual depths in ways that were not possible before.

Read the Entire Teaching: Addiction and Spirituality - ... ality.html

Author:  Johanna [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  ON BEING - "Too DeepP"...

Lol dear readers…. I must share something I found funny (rather than agitating!) the other day when speaking to a young man who has been walking a spiritual path for sometime and he remarked to me as we were reasoning…

"You don't have to take it that deep…"

I am so glad to be freed from the karmic influences that had kept me in bondage.

I am deep. Really deep, almost all of the time, even when I am funny.

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