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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 11:28 am 

Beloved Ones,

“Many of you judge yourselves harshly and see yourselves with eyes that are veiled, perceiving only the limitations and not the beauty that lies within. Yet, every soul is radiant with an inner light that never dims though it may be covered over. There is no being who is not filled with beauty because each is created with a heart that is pure, a heart that beats with the rhythm of sacred life.

You may feel that you have departed from this purity, that you have tainted it in word and in deed. Yet, this does not remove what is inner, but conceals it from you as the actor so that there is a forgetting of what is really true – a disconnect from the experience of your inner being. This is a great handicap to go through life with. It is like looking at the packaging of something and evaluating what that something is based on how it is wrapped, rather than on what is inside. And whether this relates to intellect, or appearance, or success, or to the emotions themselves, it is still not the inner core of you, not the primary gift of your own creation.

Of course as a society children are still taught to notice the wrapping, to value the wrapping, and so it is easy to get caught up in confusion regarding the difference between the outside and the inside. But the truth of beauty is that it is always present, in the least and most unfortunate, in the most deprived and discontented, in the most wounded and in the most wounding. There is beauty in all, if one can see with eyes that seek the sacred.”

~an excerpt from "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL - THE PATH OF REMEMBRANCE" by Julie of Light Omega.
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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:08 pm 

Your presence extends into the world
in ways you do not know.
Though healing may still be needed within you,
love can nevertheless flow out from you
and be a blessing to all.

Day 36, Reflections of Light, The Journey Home

Day 36 ROL-
Day 36 ROL- [ 47.03 KiB | Viewed 12647 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:11 am 

…”Especially during times of hardship, it is often difficult to override feelings of hopelessness, despair, anxiety, and overwhelm. And it is precisely at such times that it is most important to turn toward your inner being as if you were a plant turning toward the sun. It can be that innate. It can be that automatic. It involves the confident belief that there is a place inside that is untouched by what is going on outside you, a place that remains steadfast in relation to truth and in relation to the deepest values of the heart. During times of trouble, it is most important to remember this.

There are pathways of access that help in this remembering. You may release thought and emotion through any form of meditation that is comfortable or familiar to you. You may immerse yourself in the quiet and peace of the trees and of nature. Most significantly, you must release disbelief that this place exists within you and that it is accessible, for energies that are prominent on the Earth today seek to separate many from themselves and thrive in the area of doubt and disbelief. If you can hold fast to the belief that the abode of the Eternal lives within you as you, you will be able to find the path to it.

Breathing deeply with the consciousness of light is important, for light opens paths that remain closed in its absence. The Practice of Alignment can be of great help in this regard, for it brings light into both body and mind and opens the doorway to your soul.”

Continue reading: “TURNING TOWARD ONE'S INNER BEING” by Julie of Light Omega

* * *
Meditation: The Practice of Alignment

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:31 pm 

“It sometimes happens that in order for a new identity to emerge, not only inner changes must take place, but outer structures in one’s life may also need to be let go of. Such letting go may include relationships, work, financial security, even the place in which one lives. This kind of upheaval may seem random or unnecessary and may appear to have only negative consequences. Yet, a higher intelligence exists within the life plan for each soul which safeguards the forward movement of that plan, even in the presence of adversity, and even in the presence of pain or loss. Such intelligence contains the understanding that what has been lost or let go of will be replaced by a new set of circumstances that the soul is waiting for, hoping for, circumstances that bring greater growth to the embodied self and that only letting go can bring into being.”…

by Julie of Light Omega.
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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 9:37 am 

Some pain is modest, it comes and goes
like a rainshower.
Some is fierce, it pierces the heart
with a sword that cuts right through it.

In the presence of the sword, allow yourself
Wrap your sorrow in love and be comforted.

Day 7, Calendar of Healing

Photo by James Jordan

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Day 7 Cal of -James Jordan 10-2017.jpg [ 30.97 KiB | Viewed 12499 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:51 am 

“When there appears to be no way out of a situation, it may be that the way out is through it.
Trust that the way will be found.”
(Sept. 17, 2013)

When there appears to be no way out of a situation it may be that the way out is through it-Seeds of
When there appears to be no way out of a situation it may be that the way out is through it-Seeds of [ 41.78 KiB | Viewed 12435 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 5:05 am 

…”You may feel: “I don’t know what else there is to do” in a particular situation. Therein lies the way of a spiritual life, the way of continuing to move through anything that comes along, based on the principles of light. It is the way of asking for guidance, of breathing, and of continuing to ask for guidance until something in you clarifies that there is a better way of doing something. Yet, clarity is not enough. Courage also needs to be present – the courage to change your existing energy pattern.

The way that I’m talking about is not primarily about the will. Intention is will, and so is taking a risk in the presence of fear. In this case, we say: “I’m afraid, but I’m going to do this thing anyway.” This is also a matter of will. But that is not enough. It is not enough. There has to be a heart connection with the Divine, a willingness to ask for help, to ask for whatever assistance of the soul light there may be in order to alter and reintegrate a pattern that doesn’t seem to want to move. Very often there has to be guidance to show you an alternative, because when we’ve been doing things for a very long time, it’s hard to know what else is possible.

What you tell yourself about what is possible is the start. For example, a common belief is that personality is shaped by the time you are six years old and after that it’s all over. That’s a common premise from another time. Yet, even if that were true for most of your adult life, even then, when you decide that you are going to enter spiritual reality in a conscious way, everything that you have defined that belonged to the ‘other’ reality is open to change.

You are part of Creation. The force of Creation gave birth to worlds, to universes, to multiverses, so why can it not give birth to something new in you? The same principle applies, the principle of Creation unfolding the new through the energy of light. Light is the energetic force of Creation that unfolds something new, whether we are talking about the ‘big-bang,’ or something new within ourselves. The embodied self gets tired, gets discouraged, and feels that something that is difficult is impossible. For this reason, the power of light is something to think of whenever you are feeling this way, that something is impossible to move or to move through. It involves courage, confidence, partnership with the Divine, and not believing that you were fully formed before the age of six.

Do you know what miracles are? What the miraculous is? This is what we say when something comes from the level of the Divine to the level of the human and we have the perception that reality just changed in an instant through an act based in divine Mystery. We feel that reality just changed. This is the definition of the miraculous, and we are operating with the same energy of Creation within ourselves. Therefore, we are able to hold that change, in cooperation with the miraculous, is possible within us and for us through Divine cooperation. And this can take place even in the presence of energies of contraction.

When you consider these things, ask yourself: “What am I holding back? What am I afraid of doing that’s new? What am I believing?” Remember that a risk does not have to have a perfect outcome, especially at first; it does not have to work out. It can just be an effort to do something new in order to break up the old pattern that has been followed. Another way of saying this that is more poetic is that: “living in God’s reality makes all things possible.” All things.

We pray for all beings who are suffering from loneliness, depression, despair, hopelessness, and the sense of not having a way out of an existing situation or a way through it. We pray for all beings, including ourselves, who are living with a situation that is painful. Let us hold, for all, the understanding that there is always a way through an impasse. There is always a way to work with it, to be with it, and to hold to the power of light within ourselves in order to allow what is possible of the new to come forth.

May the world be blessed by our hope for the world, and may all hearts that despair be blessed by our hope for them. Om namo Bhagavate.

* * *

Addendum: I did not say this during the talk but want to add: One of the things that I do in relation to what I have shared is to listen. I listen carefully to what people say and am always attuned to the new, to what is flowing up from that inner stream of life that is the life of the soul that is always present. It is always present. If you listen, you may be able to hear something that surprises you from someone speaking to you. This stream of life says: “this person (speaking) is becoming more conscious of such-and-such.” They may not feel that they are becoming more conscious, but if you listen, you may hear the ‘movement of the inner planets,’ the movement of what is trying to emerge. This is because it is the nature of the soul to always seek to manifest on the plane of the physical. It is why souls have become embodied within physical form, and it is each soul’s purpose.”

With deepest love and blessings – Julie (Guruji-Ma)

~This is an excerpt from “There Are No Impasses” – Talk at Light Omega, Aug. 12, 2018 by Julie of Light Omega (Guruji-Ma) from
the Light Omega Community Newsletter No. 3, August 12th, 2018:

Photo credit: Guilherme Haruo
Source: ... _Chico.jpg

…..There Are No Impasses Guilherme Haruo -
…..There Are No Impasses Guilherme Haruo - [ 29.55 KiB | Viewed 12297 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 11:27 am 

…“All that you have waited for is germinating now. The problem of waiting is the problem of trust, the knowing that what is presently invisible will become visible. Those whose hearts are embedded in the light know this. They trust this. For them what is invisible is more real than what is visible. Your own heart must seek this alignment, this truth of God's reality. No matter where you are with the personal challenges that life is bringing to you, know that profound healing is taking place all of the time in and through these challenges, in and through the circumstances that life is bringing to you. This is the magnificence of Divine reality, that brings out of all circumstances including those that are painful, the full forward motion of the soul's expression upon the Earth.”… Guruji-Ma

(April 2016)

~an excerpt from “The World is Awakening”- from Guruji-Ma (Julie of Light Omega)
the ‘Light Omega Community Newsletter’ No. 8, April, 2016
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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 12:27 pm 

…“Each soul can know itself if it follows its own inner light.
Each is being guided from within to follow the highest
road it can.

Your road is your very own, beloved,
unknown to anyone but you.

It cannot be anyone else’s road,
for it was created by your soul before you were born,
and you came here to follow it.”…

~an excerpt from ‘THE OPEN PATH’
a video by Light Omega Productions

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2019 6:21 am 

"Come, weary traveler,
come rest in My presence within you.
For I Am the source of rest
and hold all who pass through
the gates of time on the journey
of discovery.

Come, let yourself be held and loved.
Abandon thoughts of being undeserving.
For there is no child of the Divine who
is undeserving of love.
There is no one who is not part of Me.

You may have thought yourself to be small.
You may have thought yourself to be insignificant.
Yet, the Divine flame within you that can
never be extinguished always makes a
It lights the way for others even if you
cannot feel it.
It illuminates the world even if you cannot see it.

Abandon thoughts of being unworthy, then,
for you have always lived in my Heart
as My precious child.
The world would not be the same without you.
The universe would not be the same without you.
Your gift to life is not measured by what you
do but by who you are - the bearer of the flame
of the One.

This is my message, Beloved,
from the Heart that you and I share:
Be assured that you are forever held in that Heart,
that no matter what pains
you experience in life,
they are known and cared for by My love.
You may not feel this. You may not know this.
Yet, know that no matter what you go through
or have gone through,
I Am with you forever, intimately, tenderly,
and deeply loving you."

Julie of Light Omega

* * *

“Child of the One” is from 'Poems for the Earth'

….………………Child of the One-
….………………Child of the One- [ 66.04 KiB | Viewed 12041 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:02 pm 

“There is a transformational pathway within each of us that is the path to the soul.
It is not known to the mind, but is revealed to the heart as the pathway to greater love,
upon which obstacles may be encountered along the way.
It is the willingness to pursue love in the face of all obstacles
that sets us free.”


May 26, 2014

…….. Julie-Guruji-Ma quotes- Pathway to greater love-5-26-2014
…….. Julie-Guruji-Ma quotes- Pathway to greater love-5-26-2014 [ 61.92 KiB | Viewed 11966 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 8:28 am 

“Allow the burdens of the past to be released.
Do not hold onto them,
for they will only weigh down the wings
of your soul.

Release old pains.
Give them to God and let God carry them
away into the infinite light.
In this way does one become new.”

Day 49, Calendar of 100 Days

……… Day 49-Calendar of 100-
……… Day 49-Calendar of 100- [ 27.3 KiB | Viewed 11783 times ]

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